SafetyLit® Foundation, Inc.
Preventing Injuries by Providing InformationTM


The SafetyLit Foundation is the management home for all services offered on

SafetyLit (short for "safety literature") is a cooperative effort of the San Diego State University Graduate School of Public Health and the World Health Organization, Division of Violence and Injury Prevention. SafetyLit provides two services, both are free and presented without advertising: 1) the SafetyLit Weekly Update Bulletin presents about 400 recently published articles from scholarly journals, technical reports, and doctoral theses; and 2) a searchable bibliographic archive of more than 700,000 relevant items beginning with articles from the mid-17th century on the safety of farmers, mariners, and miners and continuing with that and other topics to the present day.

The SafetyLit Foundation is a 501(C)(3) public charity.

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